City of Alma Animal Control Unit Licensed by the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) to service within the city limits. Animal Control picks up stray animals at the request of residents. Once an animal is picked up, it is housed at our pound for up to seven (7) days. If an animal bites a person, the animal is housed at least ten (10) days.
The Animal Control Officer is on duty (5) days a week: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
For any emergency case occurring AFTER 4:30 PM OR DURING A NATIONAL HOLIDAY, Such as dog bites, vicious animal, etc.. Call dispatch, @ (912)-632-5161 OR (911).
A Uniformed Officer and or Deputy will accompany for Emergency Services after hours. Emergency services operate 24/7.
Deceased animals on roadways or public property, call dispatch @ (912)-632-5161 OR (911) who will then make contact with an after hours Public Works.